For most of us the semester is about to end with the conclusion of the calendar year. We are hurriedly tying-up loose ends, both professionally and personally. Most of us are preparing to snuggle into a week-long break between the semesters/years. As we individually reflect on what has transpired over the past 12 months, I'd like to share with you some reflections of what PFI has accomplished since its inception in 2007.
Fifteen of the 16 Career Clusters have had business, industry, trade organizations, secondary and postsecondary representatives review the courses offered in Nebraska's high school Career and Technical Education programs. From a statewide perspective, we've reviewed forecasted economic and workforce data and crafted a sequence of three or more courses which culminate in a 'value-add' for students. This was a HUGE undertaking and was tackled by many people from across the state. I can confidently say that we have a collaborative product our state should be very proud of. I have the opportunity to visit other states and talk with colleagues at national conferences and they are amazed at how we, from our various perspectives, are able to work together for the betterment of education and opportunity in our state. Thank you to all of you who have been a part of the process and have been patient through out it.
As we look to the future...I recently had the opportunity to present to Pleasanton and Norris high schools on the importance of STEM careers in Nebraska. As a part of my presentation, I mentioned that three things are significant to the success of our state: Innovation, Invention and Entrepreneurship. I defined innovation as, "the introduction of something new." Partnerships for Innovation is not a person. PFI is a culture; a culture of of something new.
With the Career Cluster Standards Revision work coming to a close, Partnerships for Innovation has the opportunity to address other challenges in our state. So as you look to a new year, please share with me your thoughts as how PFI can assist. The future is ripe with opportunity won't you help shape it?
Happy holidays to you and yours.